Make a Difference
We have many different missions that we support here at East Fairfield UMC. Each month we highlight one mission and receive gifts for those missions that we pass on to them.
We also have two missions that we work with and take collections for year around.
Feed My Sheep – We are in a cooperative parish with Rogers UMC, who has a monthly food pantry called “Feed My Sheep.” Those who want to volunteer, go to Rogers UMC on the third Saturday of the month to help with the distribution of food and household items. At East Fairfield, we collect household items such as cleaning supplies, toothpaste, shampoo, etc. and then we send them to Rogers to be given away at the monthly distribution day.
The Harold Baker Memorial Garden – As part of our support for the Feed My Sheep ministry at Rogers UMC, we have planted a garden at East Fairfield UMC where we grow vegetables which will be distributed at Feed My Sheep. Anyone is welcome to stop by and help us plant, maintain, and harvest the garden so that we can help to provide nutritious food to those who are in need.
4C’s – The 4C’s (Crestview Churches Community Concerns) is a local community based group that helps those who are in need. We collect food which is donated to the 4C’s to be given out to those who are need.
Cub Scouts & 4-H – We also have a Cub Scout Pack and several 4-H groups that meet at the church.