Welcome to EFUMC!

The East Fairfield United Methodist Church has been serving our community for over 140 years. We are a close-knit faith community dedicated to becoming and making disciples of Jesus Christ. We gather together every Sunday morning for worship, fellowship, and spiritual education to help support one another on our faith journeys. We believe God’s grace is available to all people, no matter where you’re from, what you look like, or what you’ve done.

We love to worship, and we love to play. We have more potlucks than is probably necessary (seriously though, have you ever had one of our hot turkey sandwiches?), but we love to fellowship with our church family. Where two United Methodists are gathered- there will be food. Speaking of food, we make a ridiculous amount of homemade ice cream every summer for our annual community Ice Cream Festival. Our congregation is full of members who use their God-given gifts to make a difference in the lives of others. Case in point- our church’s talented seamstresses gather together every week to make Prayer Blankets to hand out to the individuals our church prays for, literally covering them in prayer. Sewing not your thing? Check out our Men’s Coffee Group. They meet for coffee every week and they help keep our church building in tip-top shape. Coffee and fixing things not your thing either? It’s okay, there are plenty of other places were you can exercise your gifts.

We’d love for you to join us for worship on Sunday Morning. We’ve saved a pew just for you. Check out our Visitors Information page for a Beginner’s Guide to Falling in Love with East Fairfield.